an Opportunity to Excel in Debate

QatarDebate’s Fellowship

A unique opportunity for researchers, academics, and activists from all over the world.

About the fellowship

The QatarDebate Fellowship represents top-tier researchers, academics, and activists from all over the world an exceptional opportunity to create an impact and develop the body of knowledge in the domain of debate and related fields of specialty.

What to expect in a fellowship program?

The fellowship is a specialized program offering a 2-year fully funded research scholarship to leading scholars and activists interested in the debate field.

What Makes The Fellowship Unique?

The fellowship stands out as the first of its kind within the international debate community, as it provides the fellows with an opportunity to integrate a global network of their peers, and it creates a fertile environment for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge, as well as building the human civilization through research and visionary projects.

Fellowship Objectives, Advantages, Tracks, Target Groups, Journey, and FAQs


  • Attracting leading researchers and activists interested in developing the body of knowledge in the domain of debate and related fields of specialty.
  • Enriching the QatarDebate global network with leading minds in their respective fields, and consolidating the collaboration between its members in specialized research and projects.
  • Creating an impact in terms of knowledge in the fields intersecting with debate, such as communication, leadership, critical thinking, creative thinking, ethical thinking, problem resolution, social impact, and other relevant fields.
  • Contributing to offering an academically unique research content anchored in the bases of an Arabic identity and a global vision.
  • Launching deeply impactful specialized initiatives in communication and debate through the support of activists and creating bridges of collaboration with prestigious institutes and organizations from all over the world.
  • Creating an environment that fosters an internationally acclaimed elite in the field of communication and debate.


Advantages of the QatarDebate fellowship

  • Fully-funded research fellowship
  • Engagement in an international network of leading researchers and activists
  • Knowledge academies and on-site visits to renown research centers and international organizations
  • Does not require full-time availability
  • Does not require relocating or changing residency


Scientific research track
Initiatives track
Scientific research track

This is the main track of the fellowship. It aims at enriching the disciplines intersecting with debating with consistent and specialized academic research through the empowerment and support of leading researchers from all over the world.

Initiatives track

This track focuses on supporting activists to launch unique initiatives that require great efforts and massive resources, and which have the potential of creating a tremendous global impact with regards to consolidating communication and enriching discourses based on logic and respect.

Target Groups

The QatarDebate Center targets for this fellowship

  • Academics among faculty and graduate students in international universities
  • Researchers from reputable research centers
  • Individual activists with unique initiatives from all over the world

Selection criteria

  • Experience in research and cultural activities
  • Academic qualifications
  • Scientific awards
  • Skills and individual potential

Fellowship journey

There are 5 stages for this fellowship along the two years:


knowledge acquisition and development of personal skills – Fall 2022
  • Intensive training camp to provide the fellows with necessary knowledge, develop their personal skills, and introduce them to details of the fellowship stages and the required deliverables, create a network of relationships between them, and explore collaboration avenues and common interests
  • After the first stage, every fellow starts to prepare a research proposal that they will be developing during the fellowship period to be presented during the second stage


Empowerment, launching, and personal assistance – Winter 2023
  • Each fellow makes a presentation of their research proposal or initiative in a dedicated conference, and each fellow gets matched with a personal trainer from the QatarDebate Center for the purpose for follow-up and support in their projects.


Verification and revision – Summer 2023
  • Training camp where fellows make presentations on the advancement of their projects and works, and a primary assessment of the projects and adapted training and support is provided for the fellows and removing blockers that get in their way


Final Assessment – January 2024
  • The fellows submit their works documents for final assessment


Coronation – Spring 2024
  • Presentation of the fellows’ final projects
  • Graduation ceremony for the fellows







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