The 4th Edition of the IUDC

The year 2017 witnessed the 4th International Universities Debating Championship (IUDC), laying the groundwork for the event’s continued growth and international significance. Held in Doha, Qatar, the championship brought together a diverse range of universities, fostering a platform for intellectual exchange and critical thinking. This gathering of passionate debaters tackled complex global issues, sparking thought-provoking discussions and paving the way for future generations to engage in meaningful dialogue on the world stage.

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Enriching Dialogue, Empowering Minds

Sharpening Minds, Engaging the World

The Champions

Winners of the 4th IUDC

1st Place

Qatar University - Boys

2nd Place

International Islamic University of Malaysia

3rd Place

Qatar University - Girls

AFL Category

1st Place

Sciences Po University

2nd Place

Islamic Science University of Malaysia

The best in the world

The Top Speakers

Open Category

AFL Category

View the Championship's full TAB

Click below to view the teams TAB and the speakers TAB for the 6th International Universities Arabic Debating Championship

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