1st Asian Arabic Debating Championship

The 1st Asian Arabic Debating Championship was held in Kuala Lumpur, from 29 Jan. – 3 Feb. 2020, with the participation of 26 teams representing various universities from across the Asian continent.

Debaters came together to compete in the biggest Arabic debating championship Asia, hosted by the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The championship was held in collaboration with the International Islamic University of Malaysia (co-organizer), and the Ministry of Education in Malaysia and the Ministry of Youth & Sports in Malaysia as strategic partners. 

Relive the Beautiful Moments

Watch the Championship Highlight

The Champions

1st Place

Princess Sumaya University for Technology

2nd Place

Gulf University for Science & Technology

Best AFL Team

Hankuk University

Top Speakers

Open Category

AFL Category

1st AADC TAB Files

A look back at the 1st AADC